Archive for November, 2017

Plenty of Goodness in Our World

November 14, 2017

There is SO much good going on in the world today.  Really . . . REALLY . . . but if you are just watching/listening to the regular news stations, be it TV, print or online stories, crime and other violent acts get more attention. Editors typically give them more prominent play than other more benign stories, or even upbeat positive ones. 

Guess what? There are actually positive new sites that are filled with stories of ALL the good that’s happening in your neighborhood and around the world. Every morning I get an email from “GoodNewsNetwork” Everyday it has stories that touch my heart and even bring tears of joy. In doing some research for this article I found there are many others!! Oh happy day!!  If you “Google Positive News Online” you will find 15+ sites dedicated to the good in the world. One of them that comes up is “Happy News.” It’s a team of, citizen journalists, who report on positive, but compelling, stories from around the world. Part of their credo: “We believe virtue, goodwill and heroism are hot news. That’s why we bring you up-to-the-minute news, geared to lift spirits and inspire lives.”

The choice is yours, would you rather tune into news that constantly is dramatizing things that happen that are sad and troubling, OR check in to really good feeling stories? 

There truly is goodness all around us. Here is a message from two Boston Marathon Bombing Survivors, Kensky and Downes.
“We’ve seen how powerful it can be when a community, a country, rallies around you and say they’re rooting for you . . . That kind of love is the most powerful antidote to the hate.”

“Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.” 
Martin Luther King, Jr
“We don’t need bombs and guns to destroy, to bring peace – just get together, love one another, bring that peace, that joy, that strength of presence of each other in the home. And we will be able to overcome all the evil that is in the world.” 
Mother Teresa 
Even the U.S. Attorney General Lynch has this to say, “We stand with you to say that the good in the world far outweighs the evil; that our common humanity transcends our differences; and that our most effective response to terror and hatred is compassion, unity and love.”
This song has been recorded or performed live by over 100 artists, including many famous ones . . . obviously it’s message was important to them, and is the way I would like to end this article . . . 
“What the World Needs Now Is Love sweet love . . . no not just for some, but for everyone.”
Laura Brownwood, Beach House Wellness and Youthful Aging        619 994-4999